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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
08/23/23 Overview of Exodus 21-? Brent Lewis Bible Class N/A PM 2023-8-23_BL_Exodus_overview.mp3
07/30/23 Take Time to Be Holy Wilson Copeland Sermon N/A PM 2023-7-30_WC_Take_Time_to_be_Holy.mp3
07/30/23 The I AMs of Jesus (# 11) Doy Moyer Bible Class The I AMs of Jesus in John AM 2023-7-30_Doy_True_Vine.mp3
07/30/23 Where Are The Nine? Doy Moyer Sermon N/A AM 2023-7-30_Doy_where_are_the_9.mp3
07/26/23 Exodus 5-6 Doy Moyer Bible Class Book of Exodus PM 2023-7-26_Doy_Ex._5-6.mp3
07/23/23 Psalm 27 Brent Lewis Sermon Studies from the Psalms AM 2023-7-23_BL_Psa_27.mp3
07/23/23 The I AMs of Jesus (#10) Doy Moyer Bible Class The I AMs of Jesus in John AM 2023-7-23_Doy_I_am_10.mp3
07/23/23 Wanderers in a Foreign Land Matthew Mero Sermon N/A PM 2023-7-23_Matthew_Mero.mp3
07/19/23 Exodus 3-4 Brent Lewis Bible Class Book of Exodus PM 2023-7-19_BL_Ex_3-4.mp3
07/16/23 Colossians 3 - PM Sermon Doy Moyer Sermon N/A PM 2023-7-16_Doy_pm.mp3
07/16/23 Jars of Clay Doy Moyer Sermon N/A AM 2023-7-16_Doy_Jars_of_Clay.mp3
07/16/23 I Am The Way, the Truth and the Life Doy Moyer Bible Class The I AMs of Jesus in John AM 2023-7-16_Doy_Jn._14.mp3
07/12/23 Exodus 1-2 Doy Moyer Bible Class Book of Exodus PM 2023-7-12_Doy_Ex_1-2.mp3
07/09/23 Psalm 134 Brent Lewis Sermon Studies from the Psalms AM 2023-7-9_BL_Psalms.mp3
07/02/23 I Am the Resurrection and the Life Brent Lewis Bible Class The I AMs of Jesus in John AM 2023-7-2_BL_I_am_the_resurrection.mp3
07/02/23 What Kind of Listener Are You? Brent Lewis Sermon N/A AM 2023-7-2_BL_Ears_to_hear_AM.mp3
06/28/23 Genesis 48-50 Wilson Copeland Bible Class Genesis PM 2023-6-28_WC_Gen_49-50.mp3
06/25/23 The I AMs of Jesus # 6 Doy Moyer Bible Class The I AMs of Jesus in John AM 2023-6-25_Doy_I_AMs__6.mp3
06/25/23 My Eyes Have Seen Your Salvation Doy Moyer Sermon N/A AM 2023-6-25_Doy_AM.mp3
06/25/23 Sibling-hood in Christ Matthew Mero Sermon N/A PM 2023-6-25_Matthew_Siblinghood.mp3
06/18/23 David and Saul Wilson Copeland Sermon N/A PM 2023-6-18_WC_PM.mp3
06/18/23 The Father Doy Moyer Sermon N/A AM 2023-6-18_Doy_Fathers.mp3
06/18/23 The I AMs of Jesus # 5 Doy Moyer Bible Class The I AMs of Jesus in John AM 2023-6-18_Doy_class_Light_of_world.mp3
06/14/23 Genesis 39-41 Wilson Copeland Bible Class Genesis PM 2023-6-14_WC_Gen_39-41.mp3
06/11/23 Imago Dei: What Should That Mean For Us As Christians Matthew Mero Sermon N/A PM 2023-6-11_MM.mp3

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